Medical Expense Claims

Can I claim for my medical expenses?

Medical treatment and rehab expenses may be covered but the majority of treatment requires pre-approval from the insurer prior to the treatment taking place.


How long will the insurer pay for my medical expenses?

Injured workers are only entitled to have their medical and rehabilitation expenses paid for by the insurer for a limited amount of time.

Under the current legislation injured workers are only able to have their medical and rehabilitation expenses paid for, for two years after their date of injury or after weekly compensation has ceased. If however an injured worker has a degree of permanent impairment between 11% whole person impairment and 20% whole person impairment this time frame is extended to 5 years from the date of injury or from when weekly compensation ceases. Those workers assessed to have more than 20% whole person impairment will be entitled to have their medical expenses paid for, for life, providing the treatment is related to the injury and pre-approval is granted by the insurer.

Workers who have been assessed but are found to have not reached maximum medical improvement and workers whom the insurer is satisfied are likely to have more than 20% whole person impairment but have not yet been assessed will also be entitled to have their medical and rehabilitation expenses paid for, for life.


What type of medical treatment will the insurer pay for?

The types of treatment the insurer can approve include:

  • Consultations with the nominated treating doctor and medical specialist
  • Treatment by physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, psychologists, counsellors, exercise physiologists, other allied health practitioners
  • Surgery
  • Pharmaceutical expenses
  • Provision of artificial aids
  • Domestic assistance services
  • Modifications to your home or vehicle


Am I entitled to travel expenses?

You can be reimbursed for the kilometres you travel or the cost of public transport to attend medical appointments.

If you are seeking reimbursement for the kilometres travelled you will be paid $0.55 per kilometre.

You cannot claim for the cost of a taxi or Uber unless the insurer has approved the same prior to the trip.

At Taylor & Scott “We Care For You”.