Our client was walking through a supermarket in order to buy his lunch. Heading into the supermarket he made for the deli section.
It had been raining heavily outside. As he walked along, without warning his feet flew out from under him. In the fall he suffered an injury to his back.
Upon regaining his composure, our client noticed a bucket and then saw water around the bucket on the floor where he had fallen. Unfortunately the supermarket had not put out any warning signs alerting customers to the wet floor and/or the slippery condition of the floor.
As a result of the back injury, our client had to stop work. An MRI scan revealed disc damage to his back. Rounds of physiotherapy, doctor visits, painkilling injections and the rest followed. Our client took several months to recover and during this time lost a substantial amount of wages.
Eventually, he consulted the expert slip and fall lawyers here at Taylor & Scott. Our slip and fall team were able to offer a Free Case Assessment and they agreed to act on a no-win/no-pay basis. A negligence claim was issued in the District Court of NSW and eventually a settlement conference between the parties was arranged. At the settlement conference, the slip and fall team were able to negotiate a substantial settlement for their client recovering all of his lost wages, medical expenses and a lump sum for his pain and suffering.
If you are injured in a slip, trip or fall involving a public place, supermarket or shopping centre, contact the slip and fall experts here at Taylor & Scott. Ring us on 1800 600 664 or complete the Contact Form on this page. All cases are conducted on a no-win/no-pay basis. Let the experts in public liability insurance claims help you to a better future.
At Taylor & Scott “We Care For You”.