“Gone Bush” Bus Driver Injured Changing Tyre In The Outback

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Taylor & Scott have recently settled a claim for a bus driver who had a flat in the outback. Our client was on a bush tour when he noticed a tyre had punctured.

“There was no help out there and my employer had not provided me with the correct tools to remove and replace the tyre” said Mr F. “I was forced to improvise and in doing so injured my back.” “As we were on tour I couldn’t stop work, I had to keep going” ultimately causing further aggravation to his back condition.

Eventually Mr F was forced to undergo surgery to his spine. Fortunately the surgery was successful and Mr F got back to doing “short haul” bus trips only and no lifting. Mr F has been left with a painful back but is able to drive, although he misses “the great outdoors”.

Simon Meigan commenced a work injury damages claim on Mr F’s behalf which has resulted in a very satisfactory lump sum settlement for Mr F. “I am grateful to Simon Meigan and his team for the settlement he achieved for me. I am back driving buses but only for short periods. I really miss going bush for weeks on end taking tourists to all parts of Australia” said Mr F.

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