Kiwi Forced Home Due To Back Injury

Our work injury damages team here at Taylor & Scott Compensation Lawyers, recently completed a work injury damages claim for a New Zealand formwork carpenter.  Simon Meigan, Partner, Accredited Specialist and expert in work injury damages claims acted for our client.

Having arrived from “across the ditch”, our client had secured work with a construction company here in Sydney.  Working as a formwork carpenter, our client had always been used to and enjoyed heavy work.  This quite often involved building formwork, assisting with concrete pours and stripping formwork.  At one point with his new employer, our client was directed to start drilling holes into concrete.  This job had to be performed on his knees or whilst crouching down from the beginning to the end of the day with only a break for smoko and lunch.  Our client noticed that he was developing a sharp pain in his back.  He didn’t want to make a fuss but at one point he complained to his boss.  He was pointedly told to “stop complaining and get on with the job”.   Being the new boy in the team, he didn’t want to rock the boat so he soldiered on.

Eventually his pain was so bad, he had to stop and get some medication from a medical centre.  The pain continued to increase and eventually he ended up in Accident & Emergency at hospital.  Ten days later he was released from hospital.  Resting at his digs here in Sydney, the pain was unrelenting.  Back to hospital and then under the surgeon’s knife.  Several surgeries later, his back is such that he can’t return to the construction industry.  Sadly he has had to return home to New Zealand so that his wife and family can care for him.

Simon and his litigation team carefully reviewed the facts and circumstances of the accident.  Simon advised his client that his employer had failed in their duty of care to look after his safety.  As his permanent back condition was greater than 15% whole person impairment, Simon recommended he sue for work injury damages.

Ultimately the matter came before the Workers Compensation Commission for a formal mediation.  Simon negotiated a substantial settlement for his client which compensated him for his loss ofwages past, present and up to his retirement.

Fortunately this settlement gives Simon’s client financial security and certainty so that the stress of worrying about how he is going to support his family was removed.

If you are injured at work here in NSW, no matter where you come from, you can rely on Simon Meigan and his compensation law team to provide you with the best possible legal representation.  All personal injury claims are conducted by Taylor & Scott on a no-win/no- pay basis which means if you don’t win, we don’t get paid.  Contact Simon and his team on 1800 600 664 or complete the Contact Form on this page.  Our compensation lawyers will provide you with a free Case Assessment.  If you can’t come to us, we will come to you.

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