High Needs Workers

Questions and Answers

What is a worker with high needs?

A worker with high needs is a worker who has 21% whole person impairment or more, including workers who have not yet been assessed but the insurer is satisfied that the level of impairment is likely to be 21% or more. It also includes workers whose assessment of impairment is pending as an approved medical specialist has declined to make the assessment on the basis that the worker has not yet reached maximum medical improvement.

What is a worker with highest needs?

A worker with highest needs is a worker who has 31% whole person impairment or more, including workers who have not yet been assessed but the insurer is satisfied that the level of impairment is likely to be 31% or more. It also includes workers whose assessment of impairment is pending as an approved medical specialist has declined to make the assessment on the basis hat the worker has not yet reached maximum medical improvement.

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