My more than 20 years association with Taylor and Scott was the culmination of my professional career and the most fulfilling and ultimately satisfying period of my working life spanning 50 years. Taylor and Scott is renowned for ‘punching above its weight’ in the many diverse fields of law that go to make up a modern law practice. The firm has had a history of effective leadership and inspiration from the partners over the years and a strong team of specialist lawyers well regarded in their fields.
I have been privileged to be responsible for a core area of practice from the early days of Taylor and Scott- industrial law and relations. It was a marvellous experience to work with so many dedicated and talented clients, whether senior union officials or individual employees or small businesses. More recently I was able to assist many people with complex or specialised migration needs and this work was also very fulfilling. It is terrific to know that those who have come after me in those fields at Taylor and Scott continue our tradition of dedication and excellence.
Retirement for most brings mixed emotions and I am no exception, made harder by officially leaving the Taylor and Scott ‘family’. However, I leave confident in the knowledge that my contributions are now being built upon and expanded by those who have carried on my work for the firm. I am sure that all clients will continue to enjoy the best of service whenever they come to Taylor and Scott for legal assistance.