Our response to the COVID-19 Situation that is unfolding

Taylor & Scott Lawyers are continuing to operate during this difficult period as we monitor the ongoing COVID-19 situation Our clients existing matters are important to us, as are new client matters and we are endeavouring to progress these matters as quickly as possible. However, we do ask that you be patient should any slight…

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Why people immigrating to Australia need to understand health waivers

Before you can migrate to Australia, you need to meet the health requirements. This can be a challenge for elderly relatives or those who are suffering from long-term illnesses. Fortunately, there are provisions for select visa programs which allow people to immigrate to Australia even if they don’t meet the health requirements. This is known…

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ENS Visa, Cancer, Health Waiver Successful

Recently, Andrew Woo (Lawyer and Migration Agent) has successfully helped clients obtain a health waiver and ultimately Australian Permanent Resident visas.  Andrew’s primary applicant had been previously diagnosed with advanced colon cancer. BACKGROUND TO THE CASE Andrew’s client and her partner were young and wanted to explore the world. They made a fateful decision to…

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Health waiver scheme for skilled migrants – are you eligible?

Australian migration policy has strict rules and guidelines in place to help protect the Australian health system. To be granted a visa, applicants must meet certain health requirements unless a health waiver is available and exercised. Even if an applicant fails to meet the relevant health requirement in limited circumstances, their case may still be…

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Health waiver win

Health Waiver Help For Those With ENS, HIV + AAT – Taylor & Scott

This story by Andrew Woo (Lawyer and Migration Agent) on two recent successful cases illustrates the importance of building and maintaining lasting relationships with clients to ultimately succeed in challenging cases such as Health Waiver Matters. There can often be temporary setbacks along the way, but it is important to remain positive and keep focused…

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How To Submit A Health Waiver For Migration

  Recently, Andrew Woo (Lawyer and Migration Agent) successfully represented a client at a migration review hearing in the AAT. Andrew’s client’s partner visa application had been previously refused by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection on health grounds due to a diagnosis of HIV infection. BACKGROUND TO CASE Andrew’s client came to Australia…

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Health issue, ENS, Hepatitis B health waiver successful

How Taylor & Scott Lawyers Can Help You With Health Waiver Submission

Recently, Andrew Woo (Lawyer and Migration Agent) helped his client secure an ENS visa to continuously serve the community in the healthcare sector after his client was successful in obtaining a health waiver despite a diagnosis of Hepatitis B virus. It is important to note that Andrew’s client has been on effective treatment to suppress…

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Medical Treatment Visa Application Successful

Health Issue, AAT, Ministerial Intervention, Medical Treatment Visa Application Successful

This story by Andrew Woo (Lawyer and Migration Agent) illustrates that a permanent visa may not always be the answer to all migration options. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: In early 2018, Andrew first met his clients who were in their 60’s in conference with their two children who had immigrated to Australia and led successful careers in…

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Migration Health Waiver Success

Migration/Health Waiver: Down Syndrome Successful Case

Recently, Andrew Woo (Lawyer and Migration Agent) successfully represented clients whose Partner Visa Application was declined by the Department of Home Affairs. The Application had been rejected due to a dependent child suffering from Down Syndrome. BACKGROUND TO CASE Andrew’s clients submitted a Partner Visa Application in late 2015. The couple had met online and…

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Migration Health Waiver Success

Migration: Health Waiver Success

Recently, Andrew Woo (Lawyer and Migration Agent) was successful in obtaining a partner visa for a client suffering from Crohn’s disease. Background Information: Andrew’s client who came from the US first met her Australian partner online and subsequently travelled to Australia to join her partner. In 2015, Andrew’s client and her partner decided to launch…

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