Our response to the COVID-19 Situation that is unfolding

Taylor & Scott Lawyers are continuing to operate during this difficult period as we monitor the ongoing COVID-19 situation Our clients existing matters are important to us, as are new client matters and we are endeavouring to progress these matters as quickly as possible. However, we do ask that you be patient should any slight…

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What workers need to know about employment law before starting their new job

Even though our job makes up such a significant part of our lives, most employees don’t know what rights and legal entitlements are until something goes wrong and they have to take their employer to court. Employees need to know their entitlements from contractual, Award and legislative standpoints. Employment law helps safeguard employees from being…

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Why people immigrating to Australia need to understand health waivers

Before you can migrate to Australia, you need to meet the health requirements. This can be a challenge for elderly relatives or those who are suffering from long-term illnesses. Fortunately, there are provisions for select visa programs which allow people to immigrate to Australia even if they don’t meet the health requirements. This is known…

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Essential things to know about pedestrian accidents

Pedestrians accidents are more common than we realise. The Roads and Maritime Services show an increasing trend in pedestrian fatalities from 2014 to present.  Pedestrian fatalities represent 16% of all fatalities in Australia. There is also a high count of serious injuries suffered by pedestrians in a 3-year period, which is currently at 3,447 people….

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How social media can affect your personal injury or workers compensation claim?

Social media is a big part of our lives. It hosts a wellspring of accessible information, especially when it comes to legal cases. This is, however, a catch 22, because it can allow lawyers to access supplementary information that can determine whether you win or lose your case. Social media can be used for and…

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4 steps to help you prepare for property settlement

A property settlement can be a tricky and uncomfortable thing. But it’s a real part of the legal process when a relationship comes to an end. There are likely a lot of things going through your mind during this period, so it’s important to have a few guidelines to help you get through the process…

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What is the difference between TTD and TPD claims?

New superannuation laws came into effect from 1 July 2019. The new laws brought about several changes, including automatic cancellation of insurance for inactive accounts. These changes may have left you wondering what insurance is actually provided through your superannuation account? Those contributing to a superannuation fund are usually covered for total and permanent disability…

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How to Apply for Probate

When a loved one passes away, the act of administering their estate can be a complex process. If the deceased had a will, the process often starts with a ‘Grant of Probate’.  What is probate? Probate is a court order that validates a deceased person’s will. Probate is said to be ‘granted’, and when this…

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Managing medical costs after a motor vehicle accident

Managing medical costs after a motor vehicle accident

A motor vehicle accident can result in significant injuries requiring immediate and ongoing medical support. Medical expenses after a motor vehicle accident can be costly and knowing what can be claimed, from who, and for how long is often complicated.  What medical expenses can be claimed after a motor vehicle accident? Reasonable and necessary medical…

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How is a professional executor paid for their services?

It is common practice for individuals to appoint their children or other dependants as executors of their estate. Overseeing the distribution of a deceased estate involves a significant amount of time and work on the part of the executor. The responsibilities of such a task can weigh heavily on someone who has no experience in…

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