How to make a claim when you’ve been injured in a public place

Have you ever walked through a public place and noticed a safety hazard? Risks are more common than you think. And often, injuries happen when you least expect it, so it’s always helpful to know your rights and entitlements.  Often, when people are injured in public, they assume that they are liable for not being…

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How social media can affect your personal injury or workers compensation claim?

Social media is a big part of our lives. It hosts a wellspring of accessible information, especially when it comes to legal cases. This is, however, a catch 22, because it can allow lawyers to access supplementary information that can determine whether you win or lose your case. Social media can be used for and…

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What is the difference between TTD and TPD claims?

New superannuation laws came into effect from 1 July 2019. The new laws brought about several changes, including automatic cancellation of insurance for inactive accounts. These changes may have left you wondering what insurance is actually provided through your superannuation account? Those contributing to a superannuation fund are usually covered for total and permanent disability…

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Worn Out Concrete Labourer – Successful Workers Compensation and TPD Claim

Our client worked in the concrete industry as a labourer. He had spent a lifetime doing extremely heavy work.  His day involved physically demanding tasks including shovelling, pouring and finishing concrete, wheeling wheelbarrows full of concrete, bending, lifting, twisting and squatting. A few years ago, he started to feel symptoms of pain in his back….

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Employee Receives Payout Following Fall On Icy Steps – Taylor & Scott

Our client has spent his life labouring in the construction industry. On this particular morning, it was very cold and icy. A team of men had been sent to the roof of a new construction to continue with the work. At one point, our client was directed to climb down from the roof using the…

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How To Become Eligible For Successful TPD Claim – Taylor & Scott

Injuries that prevent a person from working or earning an income can be devastating and cause considerable concern for what the future holds.  TPD claims, or total and permanent disability claims, are a form of insurance offered by most superannuation funds, which provide a lump sum of financial support that covers medical expenses and loss…

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TPD claim won by Ray McClenahan

Another TPD claim won by Ray McClenahan – Expert in TPD claims here at Taylor & Scott Lawyers

Recently Ray McClenahan, Partner, Accredited Specialist and expert in TPD claims, was successful in prosecuting a TPD claim against two super funds and their insurers in respect to an injured maintenance worker. Ray’s client suffered an injury to his lower back, legs and feet whilst performing heavy maintenance work for his employer. As part of…

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Injured Worker Turns turns to Taylor and Scott After Claim Rejected

Injured Worker Turns to TPD Experts at Taylor & Scott When Claim Rejected

Recently, Michelle Meigan, Senior Associate and expert in TPD claims here at Taylor & Scott, acted for a client who had attempted to make a TPD claim by himself without legal assistance. Michelle’s client had suffered a very serious injury to his back when he had worked in the construction industry. He had been required…

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TPD Claim by Shop Assistant Successful Large Payout Follows

Our client worked for many years as a shop assistant for a large supermarket chain. She loved her work and enjoyed the social contact with fellow staff and shoppers alike. Having finished a long day at the supermarket, she was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident when a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction…

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Plant Operator’s Fall From Machine Leads to Amputation of Leg and Large TPD Payout

Ray McClenahan, Partner and Accredited Specialist, recently completed a TPD claim for one of his clients. Back in the 90s, Ray’s client slipped as he exited a backhoe he was operating. Upon landing on the ground, he felt immediate pain in his right ankle. Little did he know that what seemed like a relatively minor…

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