How a personal injury payout is treated in property settlement

How a Personal Injury Payout is Treated in a Property Settlement

A property settlement is rarely black and white, and it can sometimes seem that a personal injury payout only serves to complicate the issue. Before we look at how a personal injury payout is treated in a property settlement, it is helpful to understand how a property settlement is determined. How is a property settlement…

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What happens to Inheritance in a Property Settlement

What Happens to Inheritance in a Property Settlement?

Upon the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, the couple will inevitably need to divide their assets and liabilities (such as the family home and mortgage) by entering into a family law property settlement.  The assets and liabilities available for distribution, referred to as the “matrimonial property”, include all property in each party’s…

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Wills and Estate Planning Affected by Marriage

How can Marriage Affect Wills and Estate Planning?

When you make the decision to say ‘I do’, wondering how it may affect your will and your estate in the future probably isn’t at the forefront of your mind. However, marriage can have a huge impact on your will, regardless of the duration or nature of the union. When does marriage affect your will?…

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