Motor Vehicle Accidents – Uninsured

All motor vehicle owners in New South Wales are expected to purchase Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance for any registered vehicle. It’s illegal to drive on our roads without CTP insurance, otherwise known as a ‘green slip’. However, if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured vehicle it’s still possible to lodge a ‘Personal Injury Claim’ against the negligent person or persons who caused the accident. In other situations where an injury is sustained on private property, caused by an unregistered vehicle such as a tractor or forklift, there are other legal options available.

Taylor & Scott Lawyers have been in the business of achieving success for compensation claim clients since 1905, when our firm was established, and our reputation as ‘winning’ lawyers continues to this day. Uninsured motor vehicle accident victims are understandably distraught in finding out the negligent party is uninsured, and it’s common for people to think they have no legal recourse. This certainly isn’t the case with Taylor & Scott on your side. We understand compensation law inside-out, and in situations where we believe you have a valid claim case, we will take your case and pursue justice on your behalf.

Motor Vehicle Accident - Driver on the Phone

How can lawyers assist an uninsured motor vehicle accident claim?

Your uninsured motor vehicle accident claim will ultimately be assessed in the same way as other compensation claims where evidence is used to determine claim payouts (damages). A Personal Injury claim against the negligent party can be dramatically strengthened with the services of expert Taylor & Scott Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers, and we help you from start to finish, from building your case to representation in court should your claim be disputed. Here are some ways we will assist you.

  • A free consultation and comprehensive case assessment to establish your case
  • Building your case by procuring accident records and compiling all documentation
  • Collecting witness statements, photographic evidence, and other case-winning facts
  • Presenting an exhaustive case on your behalf using our significant legal weight
  • Entering into settlement negotiations with the negligent party
  • Representing you in court if your compensation claim is disputed

Many injured persons or their relatives are reluctant to commence legal proceedings due to the cost involved, so Taylor & Scott Lawyers offer our famous ‘no-win no-fee’ guarantee. This means that you don’t pay a cent during the claim process and we only accept payment for our services when you win the case and compensation payments have been made to you. If we don’t win your case, we don’t get paid, so you can guarantee we are on your side doing everything possible to secure successful compensation results and maximum potential claim payouts.

Do injury impairment levels determine claim payouts?

If the accident with an uninsured motor vehicle results in injuries that affect regular work and other functions, a claim can be made. If the injuries sustained result in permanent loss of physical or mental capability of more than 10% normal function, a lump sum payment for pain and suffering can also be claimed. A dedicated Taylor & Scott Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer can discuss the best way forward during your free case assessment.

What other forms of compensation am I entitled to?

Compensation is financial assistance to cover expenses incurred in recovering from the accident, along with ongoing costs. A Personal Injury Claim assists the accident victim in a number of ways, including:

  • Hospital and medical expenses including ambulance travel
  • Out-of-pocket expenses for travelling to and from medical appointments
  • Loss of past, present and future earnings
  • Rehabilitation expenses including home-care assistance and nursing
  • Lump sum payment for pain and suffering

Are there time limits and other obligations when making a claim?

Strict time limits apply for lodging any type of motor vehicle accident claim, although leeway is given in some instances. For example, when claiming a lump sum payment based on a percentage of permanent loss of physical or mental function. In such cases, it takes a while before injuries have stabilised and ongoing or additional recovery is deemed unlikely.

For most claim types however, it’s important to get the compensation claim investigation and procedure started as soon as possible, so contacting Taylor & Scott at your earliest convenience is the best way to ensure a smooth process and successful claim outcomes. We can let you know straight away if you have a case worth fighting for and the potential for a winning case that will benefit you and your family.

At Taylor & Scott, ‘We Care For You’.