Lifting Box From Overhead Shelf Leads to Life of Pain and Misery for Shop Assistant

Personal Injury Claim Lifting Injury

Our client has spent a lifetime working as a shop assistant for a leading supermarket chain.  Her job involves a mixture of physical work by way of assisting customers and managerial work supervising others. On one occasion, our client was assisting a shopper. She needed to climb a ladder and retrieve a box from a shelf above her head. She reached out and lifted the box. As she did so, she heard a loud crack in her shoulder and then felt intense pain. She kept working, having reported the accident. She hoped that the pain would settle. Unfortunately, over time the pain returned and increased in intensity.

Having stuck at her job as long as she could, she attended her doctor seeking help. She was sent for an ultrasound and then referred to an orthopaedic surgeon. The surgeon recommended MRI scanning. Having reviewed the MRI, he proceeded to inject her shoulder on several occasions. Unfortunately, the cortisone injections made little difference to her pain and restriction of movement. The specialist then arranged for surgery on the shoulder. This was followed by intense physiotherapy. Unfortunately, the pain and restriction of movement remained.

Over the next two years, she underwent numerous medical procedures ranging from intense physiotherapy to shoulder manipulations under anaesthesia. As time went on, our client noticed that her other shoulder was developing problems. Injections of steroids into this shoulder followed. Our client was desperate. She wanted to keep working. Her family needed the money. She was in constant pain and her specialist couldn’t offer her a solution.

Desperate for help, she turned to another specialist for a second opinion. Having examined our client and reviewed all of the scans and reports, this specialist did not paint a rosy picture.  He advised that she will always have symptoms which will include physical restrictions. He further advised her to refrain from movements involving repetition, pulling, pushing, lifting and twisting.

Our client is now very restricted in what she can do. She needs the help of her husband to perform simple tasks like dressing in the morning. Domestic chores like vacuuming and mopping all have to be done by her husband. She enjoyed tennis and bike riding both of which are now impossible to do.

Even though in constant pain and severely restricted in what she can do, our client has continued to work. She plans to keep working until her injuries forced her to stop.


Depressed, anxious and concerned about her situation, our client chose to consult with Ray McClenahan, Managing Partner, Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury and an acknowledged expert in NSW compensation law. Ray met with his client on a number of occasions. He listened sympathetically to her story and was able to provide very detailed, expert advice to his client in respect to her workers compensation rights. He arranged for an assessment of her whole person impairment to be carried out by an independent medical expert. This was done with a grant of legal assistance from WIRO meaning that his client’s workers compensation claim cost her absolutely nothing.

Following the lodgement of this claim and negotiation, we are pleased to report that Ray has succeeded in securing a section 66 payment under the Workers Compensation Act. Ray has advised his client that if there is any change in her medical condition or in respect to her ability to work, to immediately contact him to ensure that she is being paid correctly under the NSW workers compensation laws.


If you or someone you know suffers an injury at work which leaves you with a permanent disability, then we urge you to contact the experts in workers compensation law here at Taylor & Scott Workers Compensation Lawyers. Our team of experts have many, many years of experience in assisting injured workers here in NSW. No matter where you reside in NSW, you are welcome to access our free case assessment. At this assessment, our workers compensation lawyers will ensure that you are fully informed as to your workers compensation rights. If we act in a workers compensation claim, it will be done with a grant of legal aid from WIRO meaning you do not pay any costs whatsoever.

If your whole person impairment is greater than 15%, then we will give you the best advice on maximising your rights by lodging a work injury damages claim. Such claims are always done on a no-win/no-pay basis, meaning you do not pay Taylor & Scott any costs unless and until you win your case.

Suffering an injury at work warrants you receiving the best legal advice from highly skilled workers compensation lawyers. You can trust Taylor & Scott’s workers compensation lawyers to assist you in maximising your claim.

Contact Taylor & Scott by phoning 1800 600 664 or email us at   

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