Migration: Health Waiver Success

Migration Health Waiver Success
Recently, Andrew Woo (Lawyer and Migration Agent) was successful in obtaining a partner visa for a client suffering from Crohn’s disease.

Background Information:

Andrew’s client who came from the US first met her Australian partner online and subsequently travelled to Australia to join her partner. In 2015, Andrew’s client and her partner decided to launch their partner visa application by themselves, but they immediately struck problems. Andrew’s client was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease a long time ago and had been on immunomodulatory therapy for many years.

Initial Contact:

Andrew’s client and her partner did extensive research on the health waiver process. They understood that they would need to go through a rigorous process to have any chance of success. In late 2016, contact was made with Andrew to obtain professional advice and assistance. As expected, Andrew’s client was found to have failed the health requirement by the Medical Officer of the Commonwealth due to the MOC’s opinion that treating the Crohn’s disease condition would likely cost the Australian government over $1 million.

Steps taken:

Andrew understood his client’s desperate need to remain in Australia as a married couple and formulated appropriate strategic plans in order to effectively address the significant factors which were unique to this case. Andrew worked on extensive written submissions in support of his client. For the next 1.5 years, Andrew continued to patiently deal with every issue raised and made strong representations on behalf of his client.

Result delivered:

Despite a lengthy delay, Andrew’s client and her partner continued to support each other and remained positive. In August 2018, Andrew’s client and her partner were overjoyed to receive a confirmation that a permanent partner visa had been approved 3 years after the initial visa application.

Taylor and Scott’s offer to you

Our Immigration Lawyer, Andrew Woo, has helped numerous clients with a range of medical conditions over the years. He understands how to navigate complex health issues and is here to help you overcome any obstacle. Get the process started by giving him a call on 1800 600 664 or email Andrew at info@tayscott.com.au.

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