At Taylor & Scott Lawyers, our Family Law Team offers agency services to appear at the Sydney Registries of both the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia. We are conveniently located in close proximity to those courts, located on the corner of Goulburn and Castlereagh Streets.
We can offer our litigation experience in both property and parenting matters and are available to assist on short notice, if and when necessary.
To appear as agents (incl. travel time), our firm charges the following rates:
- Appearances to inspect subpoenaed material- $330 per hour incl. GST.
- Appearances for Mentions, Call Overs, Subpoena Hearings, Divorce Hearings and/or to instruct Counsel at Interim or Final Hearings– $385 per hour incl. GST.
- Any disbursements incurred are charged at cost.
At Taylor & Scott “ We Care For You.”