The Family Law Act

We are all individuals and every family is unique, with household dynamics tested when relationships end. The Family Law Act 1975 provides a legal framework for impartial hearings and fair outcomes, with wide ranging applications for people in need and those seeking justice. Professional Taylor & Scott Family Lawyers offer an accurate case assessment, realistic appraisal of expected outcomes, and full support during every stage of the process.

What does the Family Law Act Include?

There are several pieces of legislation in the Family Law Act, including laws of equity affecting families and relationships. The laws are particularly relevant when marriages or de facto partnerships end. The Family Law Act covers situations that include divorce, property division, children’s orders, spousal maintenance and other matters.

After years of co-existence or raising a family, it can be difficult to untangle all the shared possessions and responsibilities fairly, making the assistance of Taylor & Scott Family Law experts a smart investment. Our areas of Family Law expertise include:

Does the Family Law Act take into consideration future needs?

The Family Law Act focuses on present and future needs. For example, suitable accommodation and schooling for children during transition to a new family environment. Property settlements also aim to establish equitable quality of life for partners during separation, while spousal maintenance is a short-term strategy to ensure no one is disadvantaged.

Relationships take all forms, and unfortunately, many end sooner than expected. The Family Law Act 1975 includes provision for partners to establish financial agreements that can be signed before, during or after a marriage or de facto relationship. These types of legally binding agreements assist during trying times, and help you avoid the need to go to court for property matters.

Your individual circumstances will determine the best steps to take. A comprehensive overview of your situation by a Taylor & Scott Family Law expert will clear doubts and shine a light on potential outcomes. We provide the best options for you and your loved ones, allowing you to move past difficult times and get on with life as soon as possible.

Does the Family Law Act cover de facto partners?

De facto partners are covered by Family Law Act, and are treated the same way as married couples. Since 2009, a ‘de facto couple’ includes same-sex couples. This definition applies in all Australian states and territories.

There are a few differences between de facto and married relationships within family law. These include de facto couples living outside Australia who are not covered by family law, compared to marriages that are legally recognised internationally.

In the majority of situations however, the Family Law Act is fairly disposed toward de facto partners. This includes the opportunity for equitable property settlement, child custody, spousal payments, or other avenues that can be explored with the assistance of Taylor & Scott Lawyers.

How can I get expert legal advice on family law matters?

The first step is to connect with the right legal firm. Sydney and NSW residents have been supported by Taylor & Scott Lawyers since 1905, with relationships built on trust and a reputation built on winning results. Taylor & Scott Lawyers advantages include:

  • Family Law specialists with years of expertise in their respective fields
  • Honesty, integrity and transparency to ensure we represent your best interests
  • Skilled and successful negotiators who are ready to support you at all times

At Taylor & Scott, We Care For You.