What is the Family Law Act?

The Family Law Act 1975 is in use in all Australian states and territories. The act includes establishment of the Family Court for dealing with matters between spouses and partners during divorce and separation. The only ground required for divorce is irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, making family law important for property, maintenance and parenting matters.

What is the family law act?

Since establishment of the Family Law Act, the role of the Family Court has expanded and been amended to assist children’s issues and property division for people in de facto relationships, including those in same-sex relationships. Family Law rules and regulations in Australia are designed to help people reach agreement in the early stages of separation, without needing to go to court.

It’s worth understanding your rights and responsibilities regarding the Family Law Act, as they apply to almost all people who are ending a relationship. Taylor & Scott Family Law professionals can help you sort out the complex details during difficult times, in situations that include:

  • Obtaining a divorce, property settlement or spousal maintenance order
  • Obtaining a parenting order or protection order for children
  • Obtaining child-bearing expenses from the father of a child
  • Obtaining the right to assist with the welfare and upbringing of a child

Family Law Success - Childrens views important

What is considered a family By-law?

The Family Law Act 1975 created a unified Australian Government approach to family issues, although individual states enact by-laws according to local governance and legal procedures. The result is a workable and fair system for all people who are ending married and de facto relationships, including same-sex couples. An example of change is a 2015 amendment on Norfolk Island, resulting in the 2,000 residents of the island being subjected to NSW Family Law.

What are my rights as a parent under the family law act?

Parenting decisions are naturally a huge feature of many relationship breakdowns. The needs of any children from the relationship should come first, with adult ex-partners adjusting their lives accordingly. However, the transition isn’t guaranteed to be a smooth ride, and professional legal advice is highly recommended in order to get the best deal for you and your family.

The Family Law Act provides structure for assessing settlements, although you may need the additional input or negotiation expertise of qualified family law experts to ensure your rights as a parent are protected. Taylor & Scott Lawyers will investigate every means to improve outcomes in areas that include:

  • Child support and child custody
  • Divorce and separation
  • Property settlement
  • Spousal maintenance
  • Financial agreements
  • Division of assets

What is the best way to get advice on family law matters?

Addressing the issues involved with a relationship breakdown isn’t easy. At such times, the last thing you need is pressure to make financial commitments or hasty decisions involving the welfare of your children. Assistance is available at Taylor & Scott Lawyers in the form of advice and representation that carries legal weight in all negotiations, ensuring your needs are always protected.

Located in the heart of Sydney’s legal and financial district, Taylor & Scott Lawyers have been on the side of fair treatment since establishment in 1905. Today, our experts represent the highest standards in their chosen fields, including Family Law professionals who will provide your case with the winning edge. If you are uncertain regarding your rights or responsibilities, and want to ensure the best possible future for yourself and your family, speak to a friendly Taylor & Scott Lawyers representative today.

At Taylor & Scott, We Care For You.