Family Law – Divorce

Although it is relatively easy to get a divorce, relationship dynamics will permanently change between you, your spouse and your children. Satisfying the needs of the court is simple enough, but most people also want to satisfy ongoing obligations to make certain everybody is being looked after, whether living together or not. For this reason and others, employing the services of a Taylor & Scott Divorce Lawyer is a wise investment of time and money.

What do you need to apply for a divorce?

You will need to satisfy the Federal Circuit Court that you have lived a separate life to your spouse for at least twelve months and that getting back together isn’t an option. It’s possible to be considered as living separately even if you both still reside in the same house, but you will need to prove your separate living status and arrangements. You will also need to show how any children under 18 years of age will be cared for with proper arrangements such as living facilities, financial support and access to both parents.

A divorce creates dramatic changes in almost all aspects of a person’s life. While freedom from a stifling relationship is a big motivation, such freedom won’t be fully appreciated until all matters are settled. Taylor & Scott Lawyers have been assisting the people of NSW with complex divorce procedures and settlements for more than 110 years, so we know what it takes to provide the service and attain the results you deserve. With the divorce may come other factors that need resolving, including:

  • Child support;
  • Parenting matters; and
  • Property settlements.

Property and Financial Settlement after Divorce

How long does it take to get a divorce?

To apply for a divorce in Australia, you or your spouse need to satisfy government requirements. You or your spouse will need to be:

  • Australian citizen by birth, grant of citizenship, descent;
  • Usually live in Australia, including the year immediately prior to the divorce; or
  • Regard Australia as home, with intentions to live here indefinitely.

Although reasons and justification for divorce are many, legal protocol must be followed for a divorce to be finalised. The divorce application is made to the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, with a ‘no-fault’ system in place to protect both parties. If you have been legally separated for 12 months or more, even if living under the same roof, you can make an Application for Divorce. The hearing date for an Application for Divorce is usually within 6-10 weeks after the date of filing; and the divorce itself takes effect one month and one day after the hearing.

Can a good lawyer help you save money in a divorce?

Divorce and separation can be an incredibly confusing time. It can be difficult to know exactly where you stand in relation to ownership of the home, claims regarding assets, joint financial accounts, custody of children and other important considerations. Divorce proceedings and settlements can go smoothly, although disputes arise in many cases. In such situations, the best way of resolving issues is with the input of a qualified and experienced Family Lawyer.

Taylor & Scott Family Law Attorneys act with empathy and understanding, ensuring your dignity remains intact even while it seems your life is under a microscope. We act on your behalf to reach practical and fair agreements during trying times, allowing you to remove yourself from heated arguments where shame and blame cloud objective thinking. We understand that you are inviting us into your circle of trust and will do all we can to make sure your trust is rewarded financially and emotionally, for everyone’s benefit.

At Taylor & Scott, We Care For You.