What Can Happen If I Don’t Have A Power Of Attorney?

Should you no longer be able to manage your financial affairs and you do not have an Enduring Power of Attorney, the Guardianship Tribunal may be requested to appoint a financial manager to make these decisions for you.

This involves a formal hearing where evidence will be heard to assess if you have lost legal capacity.

If the Guardianship Tribunal decides that you need someone to make decisions about your finances and legal affairs, they will appoint a financial manager.

The person or organisation appointed as your financial manager will not necessarily be one whom you would have chosen. This may be stressful for your family. By making an Enduring Power of Attorney, you are ensuring that the person or organisation you nominate to manage your financial affairs is there to look after you if ever the need should arise.

If you would like to discuss your Power Of Attorney, Will, Probate, Estate Planning or Contested Estate with one of our solicitors, please do not hesitate to contact our office on 1800 600 664, or send a message by completing the contact form.

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