Changes To Motor Accident Laws

Changes to motor accident laws

The New South Wales Government recently announced proposed changes to the NSW Greenslip Scheme. Click here to see the proposed changes.

The Government wants to move to a partly no-fault scheme. This will be similar to the Workers Compensation Scheme here in NSW. There is only one way to fund such a scheme without increasing insurance premiums.

Slash benefits to injured motorists

Most experts agree that the proposals will force injured motorists (even people who may have suffered severe injuries and who can’t do their jobs) to rely on welfare payments and their families if benefits are cut off after five years.

The Government’s proposal will see up to 90% of people injured in motor accidents receive limited benefits and most will not be able to be represented by lawyers. They will be on their own, left to fight the insurance company alone.

Experts have pointed out that the people who will be most affected by these changes to the motor accident laws are workers who need to be fully fit to do their work such as those in construction, nurses, retail and hospitality.


If you have been injured in a motor accident, speak to us now, don’t wait. No-one knows if and when the changes will be made. It is best to act now and get legal advice.


Let your local member know that you disagree with these proposed changes. Click here to complete the petition and forward it to your local member. Remember, it is your rights that are being affected. If you don’t voice your opinion now, it may be too late.


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