Personal Injury Claim Time Frames

Although we live in a relatively safe society, accidents do happen that impact people’s ability to function as normal at work, home, or anywhere else. If you have suffered a personal injury due to the negligence of someone else you may be eligible for compensation. Personal injuries are caused by a breach of duty of care, and Taylor & Scott Personal Injury Lawyers will help you present your case within personal injury claim time frames to maximise your payout potential.

Are there lifetime care and support schemes for car accident victims?

Your personal injury claim will be assessed according to the evidence provided. In addition, the NSW Government offers a Lifetime Care and Support Scheme that pays for the treatment, rehabilitation and care of people who have been severely injured in a motor accident in NSW. The scheme is part of icare (Insurance & Care NSW) and is funded by a levy on Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance.

If you have suffered severe injuries in a motor vehicle accident, you may be eligible for the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme. Injuries covered by the Scheme include:

  • Brain injury;
  • Burns injuries;
  • Amputations;
  • Spinal cord injury;
  • Permanent blindness.

The Scheme covers treatment and rehabilitation services required as a result of the injuries. Assistance is designed to help you achieve your goals, increase levels of independence and improve participation in desired activities. Services included in the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme include:

  • Hospital stays, doctors’ appointments and medical treatments;
  • Rehabilitation services including physiotherapy and occupational therapy;
  • Home and vehicle modifications including rails, ramps and hydraulic lifts;
  • Personal care services, domestic services and garden maintenance;
  • Equipment aids such as wheelchairs;
  • Assistance for study and return to work.


Do you need to claim compensation within months of your motor vehicle accident?

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident your claim needs to be filed within the legal time frame. You will have 28 days after the accident to file an accident report with the local police and 3 months to file a claim with the CTP insurer of the vehicle responsible for the accident. If you wish to receive statutory benefits from the date of accident you need to lodge the claim within 28 days of the accident.

It doesn’t matter if you were driving the vehicle, or a passenger. You can also claim if you were not wearing a seatbelt, riding in the back of a ute, and any other scenario. You can claim against the greenslip insurer of the motor vehicle at fault.

How long will a common law claim take?

Once a claim is commenced in Court it is usually 12-15 months before a matter is before a Judge. Prior to any Court Hearing there is a compulsory mediation process.

At Taylor & Scott, We Care For You.